A grieving mother discovers pain and solace in a letter left by her late daughter.

I think you will see the passion and heart I seek to bring to this story, one that deals so heavily with mental health, and my overall filmmaking goal of shedding more light on this epidemic so many deal with. 

Film is my life, and this story in particular is meaningful to me. I continue to battle my own inner demons, as some of my friends and family have fallen victim to them. If I can impact one person by telling this story, telling them that everything will be okay, I will have done my job.

Using two different animation techniques, 2D and 3D, the goal of the animation is to transport the audience into a complex world, one that has 2 conflicting mental states. 

The 2D animation reflects the mind of the daughter, Briar, as the 3D animation represents the mind of the mother, Elsie. Both animation styles work together to show their relationship, and how anxiety and depression can be felt differently by people. 

With the help of talented artists Cecily Russo and Kyle Nelson, the animation within the film will visually engage the audience, allowing them to fully engross themselves in this story. 

Cecily and Kyle’s expertise provided in the film, and seen on the screen, is magical. 

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